Founder European Crowdfunding Network
European Crowdfunding Network, Brussels, Executive Director and Founder | Lendery, London, Co-founder | Slingshot Return, Hamburg, Co-Founder | European Crowdfunding Stakeholder Forum at the European Commission, Brussels, Member | Förderkreis Gründungs-Forschung e.V. (FGF), Advisory Board Member | FutureMediaLab, Brussels, Advisor | InnoHub, Hamburg, Mentor
Dr. Arne-Christian Sigge ist CEO, CTO und Co-Founder der AG, die einen Crowdworking-Marktplatz für SEO-Texte betreibt. Nach seiner Promotion im Bereich der Suchmaschinentechnologie war er als technischer Direktor unter anderem für die Affiliate-Plattformen adbutler und belboon tätig. Als Berater für eine Venture-Capital Bank sammelte er darüber hinaus Erfahrungen im Consulting von Start-Up-Unternehmen.
stellvertretende Bereichsleiterin ifo Insitut
Head of Banking Process Outsourcing Swisscom Banking
Projektleiterin Crowdfunding Bremer Aufbau-Bank
Immobilieninvestor, -manager, Buchautor
Kompetenzteam Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft Landeshauptstadt München
Innovationsmanagerin Cofunding Startnext
Crowd Mentor Network
Driven by innovation, Michael´s focus is to understand the risks and chances of crowd-based phenomenas like CrowdSourcing, CrowdInnovation and Crowdfunding. Michael is head of the board at the CrowdSourcing Association and the German CrowdFounding Network. He serves as adviser for the EU Commission in the CrowdFunding Stakeholder Group in Brussels and a nominated member of the TAB Begleitkreis „Digitale Arbeit“ for the Deutschen Bundestag.
Professor for Marketing and Innovation at the University of Salzburg
Katja is Professor for Marketing and Innovation at the University of Salzburg and a research fellow of the Crowd Innovation Lab and NASA Tournament Lab at the Harvard University. Her research topics are anchored in the fields of marketing and innovation. She is interested in incentive schemes and consumer interaction behavior in online communities to generate insights for innovation activities that resolves around customers and their needs. Further she investigated user-generated content in the context of novel marketing strategies. Her research has been published in leading academic journals such as Journal of Interactive Marketing, Long Range Planning, Journal of Management Information Systems or Creativity and Innovation Management and honored with rewards. Together with her co-authors she received the Tudor Rickards and Susan Moger Best Paper Award 2011 in the Journal Creativity and Innovation Management, the Best Paper Award 2015 in the Journal of Interactive Marketing and the Harvard Business School Case with the topic “Open Innovation at Siemens” was honored with the Case Centre Awards and Competitions in 2015. .
CEO of ISN – Innovation Service Network
Since 2001 he is founder and CEO of isn-innovation service network, Austrian's leading innovation company. As entrepreneur and founder of five further startups he supervises the innovation management processes of several leading Austrian companies.
2007 he started Austrian's 1. Crowdsourcing platform In 2012 he established Austria’s first crowdinvesting platform Reinhard Willfort is co-founder of the European Crowdfunding Network and Secretary of the Board of Directors.
Blockchain Evangelist MaibornWolff GmbH
Leitung Kooperationen StartNext
Mehr als 15 Jahre Erfahrung im Consulting, Sales, Finanzierung // Managementerfahrung als Führungskraft (Director, Vice President), Projektleiter /// Langjährige Erfahrung als Hochschuldozent /// Sprecher bei zahlreichen Veranstaltungen /// Gründungsmitglied German Crowdfunding Network /// Jury-Mitglied bei verschiedenen Startup-Wettbewerben /// Zweifacher Gründer und Crowdfunder
Geschäftsführer der Crowdinvesting Plattform Engel & Völkers Capital
Projektreferentin Deutscher Integrationspreis Gemeinnützige Hertie-Stiftung